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The Alliance consists of four races: the noble humans, the adventurous dwarves, the enigmatic night elves, and the ingenious gnomes. Bound by loathing for all things demonic, they fight to restore order in this war-torn world.
Humans are young race, and thus highly versatile, mastering the arts of combat, craftmanship, and magic with stunning efficiency. The humans' valor and optimism have led them to build some of the world's greatest kingdoms. In this troubled era, after generations of conflict, humanity seeks to rekindle its former glory and forge a shining new feature.
- Stealth detection increased.
- Increased Spirit.
- Bonus to reputation gains.
- Skill with Swords and Maces increased.
Rogues are most successful when their deeds never come to light. Fond of poisons and silent projectile weapons, rogues rely on a blend of stealth and minor mysticism. Usually in the employ of rich nobles or local governments, the rogue redistributes wealth or eliminates designated targets. A rogues's allegiance lasts only as long as the latest contract.
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The noble humans of Stormwind are a proud, tenacious race. Though the recent invasion of the demonic Burning Legion decimated their sister kingdom of Lordaeron, the defenders of Stormwind stand vigilant against any who would threaten the sanctity of their lands.
Nestled in the foothills of Elwynn Forest, Stormwind City is one of the last bastions of human power in the world. Ruled by the child king, Anduin Wrynn, the people of Stormwind remain steadfast in their commitment to the Grand Alliance.
Backed by their stalwart allies, the armies of Stormwind have been called away to fight the savage Horde on distant battlefields. With the armies gone, the defense of Stormwind now falls to its proud citizens.
You must defend the kingdom against the foul mongrels that encroach upon it, and hunt down the subversive traitors who seek to destroy it from within. Now is the time for heroes. Now humanity's greatest chapter can be told.